Thursday, November 20, 2008

Increasing traffic to your websites

This article will give you several different ways to increase your Adsense income. The first step is to log into your Adsense account and look at your last months states. There are three key areas that contribute to your earnings: Impressions, Clickthroughs and Effective CPM.

Improving your stats in any, or preferably, all of these three key areas will increase your Adsense earnings.

Impressions are the number of times your web pages with Adsense ads have been viewed. You improve impressions by creating more traffic to your web pages.

Here are several ways to increase traffic to your pages:

* Create more web pages, with relevant, focused content.
* Create more links to your web pages.
* List your website/s under relevant categories in more directories.
* Set up a directory of relevant sites on your website and accept relevant reciprocal links.
* Write relevant articles, with your site information in the 'resource box' at the end of each article, and submit them to article directories

The next area that will improve your earnings are increasing your "Clickthroughs".

Clickthroughs are the percentage of viewers who click on your Adsense ads. You can increase Clickthroughs by increasing the relevance of Adsense ads on your site, and by tweaking the format and placing of your ads.

Although you can't dictate which Google Adsense ads show on your site, you can influence the relevance of the ads by maintaining a tightly focused website. If every page on your site focuses tightly on the site topic, its more likely that the Adsense ads will too.

For example, if every page of your site is about fishing, and the word 'fishing' appears several times on every page, its likely that your Adsense website ads will relate to fishing.

The best way to tweak your ad format and placement is to invest in an Adsense Tracker, and test, test, test! People who have done this tend to suggest that the best format is the large rectangle, with background and border the same color as the page behind it, so that the ad blends into the page.

The best placement is towards the center or top left of the first screen of the page. Try these suggestions first, and then track and test, to be sure of what works best for your pages.

The next way to make money with Adsense income to generate effective CPM.

Effective CPM is a measure of your average earnings, per thousand clicks. You can increase your Effective CPM by selecting topics that attract high bids from Adsense advertisers, and building pages and whole websites on higher paying topics. Look for top paying keyword adsense words to use for your campaigns.

Although Google doesn't release information on Adsense bids, you can get a good idea of the top paying topics by looking at information on Adwords bids, or, for that matter, bids on pay-per-click search engines like Overture.

There are a number of keyword research tools available, both free and paid, that can help you find high paying topics.

So now you have the basics of increasing your Adsense income. Here is the basic formula:

* Build pages and websites on high paying topics for the best Effective CPM.
* Format and place your Adsense ads for maximum Clickthroughs.
* Promote your sites to drive targeted traffic to your Adsense web pages for maximum impressions.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Tips to Improve social Skill

1. Listen

“Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak.”

“The less you speak, the more you will hear.”
Alexander Solshenitsen

“I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.”
Ernest Hemingway

This is probably one of the most underappreciated social skills. People are often centred on themselves. Nothing surprising really, but it doesn’t mean that they are selfish jerks either. But because of this a lot of people are just used to talking about themselves or waiting for the other person to finish so they can start talking again. I know I have done this many times and still do from time to time.

How do you get past it?

One useful way that I have found is to just forget about yourself. Focus your attention outward instead of inward in a conversation. Place the mental focus on the person you are talking and listening to instead of yourself. Placing the focus outside of yourself makes you less self-centred and your need to hog the spotlight decreases.

If you start to actually listen to what people are saying it also becomes easier to find potential paths in the conversation. By asking open-ended questions – the ones that will give you more than a yes or no answer – you can explore these paths and have better and more fun conversations.

And this ties into the next tip…

2. Actually be interested in the other person.

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. Which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one.”
Dale Carnegie

“The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when someone asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.”
Henry David Thoreau

If you become more interested in people then you’ll naturally become a better listener since you are actually interested in what’s on their minds.

And it beomes easier find out what someone is really passionate about and to dispel negative assumptions that can mess up the communication.

If you listen to what someone has to say then you may find that s/he for instance isn’t as boring or different from you as you may have guessed when you were first introduced.

And as Carnegie says, it’s a lot easier to create and improve relationships if you focus on the other person than on yourself. Why is that?

Well, for one, as I wrote just a few paragraphs ago, people often don’t listen that much. So you’ll be a pleasant exception among the others that are waiting for their turn to talk again.

But the big reason is simply that you make them feel good because of your attention, validation of them and their interest and the connection that is made.

3. Don’t listen too much to criticism.

“If evil be said of thee, and if it be true, correct thyself; if it be a lie, laugh at it.”

“When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.”

Well, Epictetus got this one down. Listen to criticism. If you feel that there is some relevance to it explore how you can change yourself. But also recognize that lot of the time criticism is mostly about the other person.

Maybe s/he has had a bad day. Maybe a pet or child is sick. Maybe s/he is jealous of you or angry at someone else. Since people often are centred on themselves it’s easy to make a mistake here. Someone may criticise you but is actually focused on something in their own life. And you are probably also focused on yourself. And therefore you draw the conclusion that the criticism must have something to do with you.

But the world doesn’t revolve around you. Which is bad if you want more attention and validation from others.

On the other hand, it can be liberating since people don’t seem to care that much about what you do. The big problem of not daring to do something because you’re afraid of what people may say becomes a smaller obstacle.

4. Don’t babble on and on.

“The less people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it.”
Sir Francis Bacon

“The more you say, the less people remember.”
François Fénelon

This one’s connected to listening. If you talk and talk there will be little time, energy or focus for listening. But if you start to focus outward then your mind will become more focused and you’ll spend less time babbling for too long about something. If you want more reasons to stop babbling and start simplifying check out 5 Reason to Simplify What You Say, and How to Do It.

5. Treat others as you would like them to treat you.

“The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behaviour, you will bring out the best in the persons with whom you are going to spend most of your working hours.”
Beatrice Vincent

“It’s so easy to laugh, it’s so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind.”

The Law of Reciprocity is strong in humans. As you treat someone else s/he will feel like treating you. Maybe not today or tomorrow. But over time these things have a way of evening out.

One of the most important things in relationships and conversations is your attitude. It determines a lot about your interactions and how you treat other people.

The attitude you have, the lens you hold up and view the world through determines what you see. And the thoughts you keep in your mind control how you feel. Your thoughts and feelings direct how you say something and what your hands, eyes, posture etc. says through body language.

So even if you say nice words you may create an different feeling in the person you are talking to because your thoughts, feelings, voice tonality and body language aren’t aligned with your words. And words are only 7 percent of communication. So the attitude behind your words is absolutely crucial.

6. Keep a positive attitude.

“I am convinced that attitude is the key to success or failure in almost any of life’s endeavors. Your attitude - your perspective, your outlook, how you feel about yourself, how you feel about other people - determines you priorities, your actions, your values. Your attitude determines how you interact with other people and how you interact with yourself.”
Carolyn Warner

“Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars.”
Frederick Langbridge

“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.”
Albert Schweitzer

If your attitude is so important then what can you do about it? One good tip, that has worked for very long, is simply to keep a positive attitude. And by that I don’t mean that you should just react in a positive way to events in your life that may be seen by society as positive. For instance, getting a raise in salary, an A on an exam or winning a competition.

But before I continue with that train of thought I’d just like to say something about negativity. I wouldn’t say that it is all bad. I wouldn’t say that people want to get away from negative people all of the time. Sometimes you can find camaraderie in complaining about your boss, job, salary and the government. But overall and long-term I think that going positive is the more useful and fulfilling approach.

Now, what I mean with adopting a positive attitude is choosing to stay positive regardless of your external circumstances. You may not be able to do this all the time, but being positive is habit just like eating well or doing your daily exercise. It can be hard to get started and slow going at first. But when your mind gets used to this new behaviour it becomes almost automatic. Your mind just starts to interpret reality in a different way than it did before.

Instead of seeing problems everywhere it starts to zoom in on opportunities and what’s good about just about any situation. Instead of sighing and feeling like you’re working in an uphill rut you’ll find reasons to be grateful and happy.

Yeah, I know, it might sound like wishful thinking. But it really works. The problem is just that it is difficult to see this - and to realise that you can actually change - from a current worldview and attitude that may be a bit more negative.

If you’d like to read more about this, have a look at Take the Positivity Challenge for some more reasons to change your attitude – they include making better first impressions and becoming more attractive - and how to do it.

7. Use silence.

“A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill requires only our silence; which costs us nothing.”
John Tillotson

“Be silent, or say something better than silence.”

“It’s good to shut up sometimes.”
Marcel Marceau

There are several good reasons to learn to be more silent. It will help you to develop your listening skills. And instead of saying something you wish you didn’t you can learn to keep your piehole closed. This can help you avoid unnecessary arguments and reduce the hurt you do unto others by, for example, criticising.

Sitting in silence day in and day out while your inner pressure builds up is of course not good. Then you may need speak up, take charge and change whatever it is in your environment that causes the problem. But often a great deal of negative things can be avoided just by calmly staying silent.

8. Communicate with more than your words.

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
Carl W. Buechner

“I speak two languages, English and Body.”
Mae West

“We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

The words you use are just a small part of communication. How you use your tone of voice and your body language is over 90 percent of what you are communicating.

To become a better communicator these two areas are ridiculously important. You can for instance improve how you say something by loading your words with more emotions. If you use tip # 6 - Keep a positive attitude - this often improves kinda automatically. You’ll naturally convey more enthusiasm and positive emotions through your voice.

Your attitude, as mentioned before, also has big impact on your body language. If you feel relaxed, open and positive this comes through in how you use your body.

You may want check out these additional 17 body language tips though. Just to be on the safe side. And to not repeat and reinforce some old and ingrained body language habits.

Manually correcting your body language can be useful. When you for instance are listening, you can lean in and keep eye contact to reinforce that you are actually listening. If you keep your body language interested you’ll also be able to keep your focus and interest longer since emotions can work backwards. As your body is “interested” your mind becomes interested and focused on what is said.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

How to Survive a Financial Crisis

The only way to survive this global financial crisis is to be prepared. We must plan in order to survive or at least lessen the casualties.

The worst is yet to come. The only way to survive this global financial crisis is to be prepared. I have always believed that preparedness is the key to winning any battle. We must plan in order to survive or at least lessen the casualties. The extent of this crisis is still unknown and its boundaries are endless. The best way to weather this financial predicament is to follow these tips:

Be positive. Pessimists have no room in this kind of situation. Being positive-minded in difficult situation motivates an individual to find solutions and eventually solve the problem. When the going gets tough, take a deep breath and smile. But remember; do not smile too much as to deny the existence of a problem. Smile, but always put some action power.

Know where you are. Before you design an action plan, try to asses your current situation. If your finances is in red, figure our how much is your total liabilities and work from that amount. Try to develop a personal income statement of your life. You should know your income and how much expenses are deducted from it. If your income is more than your expenses, you will end up with extra savings. The rule is, do not spend beyond your means.

Eliminate unnecessary expenses. With or without crisis, every dollar must be spent wisely. Stop buying products that will end up in your trash bin or stored in your closet. Buy items that you need and avoid buying things that you want but you don’t need.

Find other source of income. In times of crisis, prices of basic commodities are usually high. Leaving you with fewer dollars to spend. In order to boost your purchasing power, you must look for other source of income either by finding a second job or establishing a part-time business.

Stay away from lousy spenders. Avoid hanging-out with people who are not conscious on their budget. Remember, you can catch a cold by being close to a person with the virus. Instead, interact more with smart spenders.

There is a saying that this world will not give us challenges that we cannot handle. I believe that with preparedness and proper attitude, we can weather this crisis.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

5 Tips to Cope With the Financial Crisis

Many investors are frightened as they watch the changes the economy is going through. The uncertainty about the future and the changes that are happening make people wonder what they should do and what do the changes mean to them? Here are 5 tips on what you should do:

1) Are you protected in the current financial crisis?
If you own a checking, savings, or certificate of deposit, you should make sure that you are insured by the FDIC. The FDIC insures up to a $100,000 per financial institution, per-person. A joint account that holds less that $200,000 in checking, savings, or Certificates of Deposits at an FDIC-insured institution would be insured. Call and check where you stand. That phone call could save you a lot of grief.

2) Could your money market account break the buck?
Money market mutual fund accounts are considered a safe place to keep your cash and they have always lived up to that in the past even though they are not guaranteed by the FDIC. The Reserve Prime Money Market fund broke the buck this week-meaning that it's net asset value fell below $1.00 a share. Most institutions will come out of pocket to keep their money market accounts from breaking the buck because it would hurt their brand and their business too much if they had a money market fund failure. Fidelity and Vanguard are producing public reports on the holdings in their money market funds. Call or go online to the institution that holds your money market mutual fund account and see what they are saying or not saying about their funds holdings.

3) Are your funds exposed to endangered financials?
I always believe in sticking to your long term financial plan and remaining patient amidst the storm is the best course of action for anyone. But there are some mutual funds that have high exposure to Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill, and the like. Obviously the Neuberger Berman funds are at risk since they were owned by Lehman Brothers and are up for sale. Current investors will have to take a close look at how the new management will affect their holdings.

Review your funds to see how much you are exposed to these and other institutions and make your decision to stay or sell based on that. Remember, too, that there are tax consequences when you sell.

4) Should you stop investing?
Lackluster stock market returns can't continue forever. The market has a history of posting gains after periods of losses. The long boom of the 1980s and 1990s, for example, followed another lost decade between 1972 and 1982. So you shouldn't give up on investing in the stock market. In fact, it's probably a better time to invest than anytime in years. Just be careful to stay diversified. No one can predict what sector or style will do well in any one year so keep your money spread out, but keep adding to your portfolio.

5) Take a deep breath and relax.
It's important to do what you need to do to protect your assets. Get some support by making an appointment with your Financial Advisor or a Financial Coach to review your holdings and voice your feelings. But no matter what you do, you cannot bring your risk down to zero. You are always taking some amount of risk and that means you will always have the potential to lose money. Most millionaires have lost money time and time again, and I am sure you will, too, at some point in your life. The point is to do what you can so that even when you lose money, it doesn't wash you away. A bit of a loss won't keep you from food, shelter, or a smile on your face.

2008© Fern Alix-LaRocca CFP® All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Finance tips for young adults

Money is an important topic for everyone. If you're young, and just starting out in the world of work, you may not have much of it yet! But it's never too early to learn some basics.

1. Understand the basics

Financial services often seem really complicated, but it's not hard for you to understand the basics for all financial services that you buy. Otherwise, you could get a nasty surprise if something goes wrong.

Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure you understand the basics of:

* What you have promised to do (eg make regular payments).
* What the company has promised to do (eg provide a loan, or cover a loss).
* Whether there are any exceptions or qualifications to these promises (eg an insurer may not have to pay your car insurance claim if you had been drinking when the accident occurred).
* What you should do if something goes wrong.

Don't be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions. Sometimes it can be awkward, but a good salesperson should give you enough time and information so that you can understand the product. You can also ask to take the documents away, so that you have time to read them and get advice.

Don't be pressured into signing something that you don't understand. You could regret it later.

2. Hold onto your paperwork

Anything to do with money often involves lots of paperwork - account statements, contracts, policy documents, terms and conditions and more.

If you're tempted to throw all this paperwork in the bin - stop! Even if you don't read it all straight away, get into the habit of keeping the important paperwork in a special file that's easily accessible. It will come in handy if you have a question or problem about your financial affairs.

You should also get into the habit of keeping notes from any important telephone calls you have with your finance institution. Again, they might help if you have a complaint.

Your notes don't need to be fancy, but it's important to record basic information such as the name of the person you spoke to, the date and time, and an outline of what was said. Keep this with all your other paperwork.

3. Reduce your costs

Some form of savings or transaction account is almost a necessity these days. But don't be complacent about your account - there are ways that you can reduce the costs.

For example, if you are a student or a recent graduate, you may be able to get a fee-free account. Ask your institution if they have one.

But what if you are not eligible for a fee-free account? You can still reduce your costs by changing how you bank. For example, it's often cheaper to use Internet banking than to visit a branch. But first, you'll need to understand how and when fees are charged on your account. Ask your institution to tell you about the main fees and charges, and whether you are entitled to a certain number of free transactions. You can use this information to help you develop cheaper banking habits.

4. Minimise the risk of unauthorised transactions - keep your PIN secret

Many complaints about unauthorised transactions are made each year. The best way to protect yourself from someone accessing the money in your account is to keep your PIN and/or password secret! Don't tell anyone your PIN or password - this includes your friends and family. Also, don't keep a copy of your PIN or password near your card, or on your computer (unless it's password protected).

Many institutions will let you choose your own PIN or password, and this can help you remember it. But, be careful with what you choose - don't make it so easy to remember that it will also be easy for a thief to guess.

5. Be very careful with direct debits

Direct debits can be a great way of making sure that the necessities of life - like your bills and rent - are paid on time. But make sure you know how to cancel a direct debit if you need to. For example, if you change your phone company.

To cancel a direct debit, you should tell both your institution and the company making the direct debit (eg the phone or electricity company). Writing a short letter is often best. Keep a copy of the letter, and if problems arise, contact your institution straight away.

Also, make sure you have enough money in your account to cover a direct debit. If there is not enough, you might have to pay an expensive overdraw fee.

6. Shop around for insurance like you shop around for a car or plan a holiday

When you're buying a car, planning a holiday, or taking out a loan, insurance is probably the last thing you want to think about. But you may need it, and it's important to spend a little bit of time shopping around.

Having a good insurance policy can make all the difference to your pocket - both now and if the worst happens and you need to make a claim.

So don't just accept the insurance policy that is offered by the car yard, or the travel agent, or the credit provider. Remember, the agent may be getting a commission for selling you a particular policy, even though it may not be the best one for you.

Shop around. The Internet and telephone call centres make this easy. Even if you make just three or four quick telephone calls to different companies, you'll find that the price might vary by $100 or $200 or more. And that's even before you look at the coverage and exceptions on the policy.

And before you sign a policy, make sure you understand what the insurer will and will not cover. For example, some travel insurance policies might not cover you if you are injured when bungy-jumping or white water rafting. If you don't choose a policy with the right coverage for you and your circumstances, you could end up with hefty expenses to pay.

7. Tell it like it is

When you apply for insurance, you'll have to provide lots of details to the insurance company. For example, if you are getting car insurance, you may be asked about your driving record, whether the car has been modified, and other things. Your answers will help the insurance company decide how risky it will be to insure you, and therefore how much your policy will cost.

Don't be tempted to massage the facts! If the worst happens, and you need to make a claim on your policy - your insurer may have grounds for refusing to pay your claim.

And this goes for renewals as well. You must tell the insurance company about any changes in your circumstances each time you renew your policy. The type of questions that were asked in the original policy application will be a good guide to the information you might need to disclose when you renew. And if you have any doubts - ask your insurer! (And keep a written record of what they told you.)

8. Think about insurance before you choose your car

If you are buying a car, its good to think about insurance before you choose the type of car that you want.

You might think that, if two cars cost the same amount to buy, they would cost about the same amount to insure. But the cost of insurance often depends as much on the type of car, as it does on the cost of the car.

For example, a sporty car might look great, and impress your friends, but it might cost you $200 or $300 more to insure than a basic car. And if your dream car has got modifications, like mag wheels, or has a bigger engine, insurance might cost you more again. It's better to be prepared for these extra costs than to get an unpleasant surprise after you have bought the car.

Also, remember that a finance company can require you to take out comprehensive insurance to cover the car, but you don't have to take out other types of insurance. For example, insurance to pay the loan if you become sick or unemployed may be too expensive or sold just because of the commissions. This type of insurance is not compulsory. You don't have to buy it even if the salesperson suggests you must have it.

9. Take things slowly and watch out for scams

If you're like most people, its easier to spend your money than to save it. But saving and investing are often the only way to achieve your big goals - buying a new stereo system, buying a car, going overseas.

Often it's easiest to save small amounts frequently - maybe by directly transferring some of your pay each fortnight to a special savings or investing account.

If you're thinking about investments - managed funds, shares, and others - you need to think about what level of risk you are prepared to take. The higher the return, the higher the risk that you will lose all your money.

Remember that there are no easy ways to "get rich quick". Stay away from investments that promise incredibly high returns for low risk and little work. They are usually scams.

Other warning signs for scams are:

* lots of exclamation marks and capital letters in the advertisements
* no 'real life' address - just an email address, or post office box and
* lots of assurances that the scheme is legal.

Be cautious. If you think an investment opportunity looks a bit dodgy, make some enquiries before you commit your money. Check out FIDO, our consumer website, or talk to a licensed financial adviser.

10. Keep track of your superannuation accounts
If you are just starting your working life, retirement will probably be the last thing on your mind. But you should check to make sure you are getting any superannuation you are entitled to. In addition to paying you your wages, your employer is required to contribute an amount equal to 9% of your earnings to your super fund, unless:

* you earn less than $450 a month; OR
* you are under 18 and you are working less than 30 hours per week.

If you change jobs frequently, or have more than one job at a time, it can be hard to keep track of your super. Keeping all your statements in one place should help.

You may also be able minimise the number of funds you have by asking to 'roll over' your accounts from your previous employment into your current fund. Ask your current fund for help with this.

5 Tips That Can Save Money and Home

Your home is likely your most valuable asset–make sure it is properly protected. While insurance agents will help determine the kind of coverage you can buy, it is ultimately your responsibility to know what the policy covers. And remember, insurance agents are salesmen and typically work on commission. This isn’t a bad thing, but be aware of what type of coverage you actually need so that you can spot it when you’re being sold something you don’t truly need.

This has been a topic of renewed discussion recently with all of the floods and severe weather in the midwest. Many people had assumed that they were in no danger of a flood, and now that their home is under water, they find their policy isn’t going to cover the damage.

1. Review your policies annually. A walk-through of your coverage needs with your agent may identify other coverages (i.e., jewelry, artwork, etc.) that you need, as well as ways to save on premiums such as bundling auto and home insurance coverage together with one provider or requesting higher deductibles to help contain your costs.

2. Identify risks you face that are not covered by your homeowners policy. Disasters such as floods and earthquakes need a separate policy or riders to protect your home if tragedy strikes.

3. Understand how much coverage you have. Many homeowners believe their insurance policy will replace their damaged or destroyed property regardless of the amount of damage incurred. Remember, it is generally not your home’s market value that is covered, but rather its replacement cost. Home additions and major kitchen or bath remodeling projects can add significant value to your home, which may not be covered by your current policy. It is important to that your coverage is sufficient, based on your home’s replacement cost.

4. Do your homework when shopping for insurance. Get quotes from different carriers. Since rates can vary, make sure you compare coverage on an apples-to-apples basis so you can spot when a lower price really just represents less coverage. Consider higher deductibles to help reduce your premiums or ask if discounts are available for installed safety and security devices such as smoke detectors and alarms.

5. Research carrier performance. Ask your friends and neighbors for references. Also research the financial strength of carriers through independent third-party sources such as state insurance departments, A.M. Best, Standard & Poor’s, and customer satisfaction ratings at the J.D. Power Consumer Center.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quick Tips for Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is something that can be confusing at first. There are many facets of life insurance and most people prefer to pass information and sign on the dotted line. What they do not realize, however, is that there are important things to consider when thinking about life insurance. If you follow a few simple tips you can be sure you make the right choices and perhaps even save a few dollars.

Term life insurance rates vary May
The number of companies that provide term life insurance is vast. If you limit yourself to an insurance agent or an insurance company, however, you begin May not to do anything close to the best deal for your term life insurance. Some insurance agents stick with their "favorite" for insurance companies. For this reason, they are not comparing prices and try to find the best company for you. If you have any health problems, it can be very beneficial to compare prices to see what companies are less aggressive with quotes.

Once you've found the company that you decided to go, you should compare prices for different amounts and types of coverage to understand what is best for you.

Getting the right amount of the term life insurance
The purpose of the mandate of life insurance is to cover the cost of debt and cost your family and your loved ones will take if you die. Term life insurance is essentially a security cover to let them behind you. For this reason, some people do not quite exactly the size of a policy they should apply. If you have a huge retirement fund, you May not need as many as far as life insurance is concerned. Most people, however, do not have enough coverage. Because they are not fully understand how much is needed, they under-insurance and wind with a life insurance plan that can not cover everything in case of an unexpected death.

Tell your family about this
Because of the difficult and emotional connotations that can come and talk with life insurance, many choose not to speak. Some people think it is difficult to start talking about the whole situation. It is important, however, talk to your family members and loved ones about your insurance policy. This will enable the two parties concerned. They need to know that policy exists, and how to collect once the time comes.

Another aspect that comes from this is the problem that some have with the idea that they will not see any money they put an end to insurance program life. Because the aim is to help parents and relatives with payments, debts or simply with money in general, it is an important subject. When you're evaluating a term life insurance policy, you should consider to help you with the plan itself and their needs.

Insurance Corporation May not cut
Because the employer is usually the insurance group insurance, it does not take into account your personal health and questions. This could mean that you pay more than you should be for your insurance or you may be more and more money for the amount you're paying. You are looking into different options for life insurance can help ensure that you get the best insurance for your money.

Tips to choosing the right health insurance

The best way to kick off your shopping is by doing a little research on your state's insurance Web site, says Kimberly Lankford, author of "The Insurance Maze: How You Can Save Money on Insurance and Still Get the Coverage You Need" (Kaplan Business, 2006). A good site will list companies available in your area, prices for both individual and family plans, and any lower-cost options your state offers if you meet certain income requirements.

Write out your priorities
Do you love your current doctors? Then you should choose an insurance company that covers their service. "It's so important that you make a list of the top five things important to you, and bring them up to the broker or insurance company," advised Michelle Katz, a healthcare consultant and author of "101 Health Insurance Tips" (, Inc., 2007). This way you can really start to narrow things down by your needs, whether that means low premiums, customer service or the doctor you've been seeing since college.

Don't be afraid to use a broker
An insurance broker can be a huge help. He can do the legwork to find a well-suited insurance company, help shop for the best rates, and explain the ins and outs of your plan. To find a reputable broker, check credentials with either the National Association of Insurance Underwriters ( or the National Association of Insurance Commissioners ( You also want to make sure he has a large "book," the industry term for the network of providers he works with. More options mean a better deal and a better fit.

Ask for a "free look"
Lots of things come with a trial period — your gym membership, magazine subscription and virtually anything hawked on an infomercial — but did you know that you can sometimes test-drive your insurance plan? They call this a free look, and it basically means that you can get your money back if you're unsatisfied within a set period of time, explained Katz. The key here, though, is staying on top of things and making sure you follow the guidelines. Restrictions vary by company and plan, but you could have anywhere from one to six weeks to ask for a refund — probably in writing.

Consider a Health Savings Account
An HSA is a great option for people who generally only have to whip out their insurance card once or twice a year. Maybe you go for a yearly checkup, and then to the doctor if you have the flu. It goes hand-in-hand with an insurance policy that has a high deductible ($1,100 for individuals; $2,200 for families), but low premiums. The money you save on premiums each month can be deposited into the HSA pre-tax, where it grows tax-deferred. You then use it to pay for any unexpected medical expenses. The bonus? Once you turn 65, you can withdraw any money you didn't use and spend it on anything you want, including funding your retirement.

You've chosen a plan, but you're still not home free. Bills can pop up everywhere, from services that aren't covered to doctor and hospital co-pays to costs for prescriptions. Many insurers have instituted a system of preferred pricing when it comes to prescriptions, meaning that if yours isn't generic and on a list, it could still cost a bundle.

"Now, even people with employer coverage are having to be smart shoppers for prescription drugs, especially if they have a regular medication that is pretty expensive," said Lankford. Keep your costs low by shopping around (prices can vary among pharmacies — your best bet is a discount store or price club) and asking for generics whenever available. You can also have your doctor write out a prescription for a longer period of time, so you'll get a 90-day supply instead of a 30, advised Katz.

The co-pay will be the same. And don't be afraid to negotiate with your doctor if you're paying out of pocket. In a recent Harris Interactive poll, three out of five people who did so received a discount. With the cost of a single visit often tallying over $200, it's definitely worth a try.

With reporting by Arielle McGowen.

Jean Chatzky is an editor-at-large at "Money" magazine and serves as AOL's official Money Coach. She is the personal finance editor for NBC's "Today Show" and is also a columnist for Life magazine. She is the author of four books, including "Pay It Down! From Debt to Wealth on $10 a Day" (Portfolio, 2004). To find out more, visit her Web site,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Earning Money With Paid Surveys

Can you really earn money taking surveys? The answer is YES! We've all seen them, advertisements, banner ads, even spam emails promising us extra cash just for taking the time to fill out a survey. But how much can you really make? What exactly do these companies want in return? Read on below to find out.

First, the survey companies actually do get a lot in return for their money. Whether they are researching and developing new products or experimenting with new advertising methods for existing products, the information these companies gleam from your consumer responses is invaluable to them. They can use your responses to find the right market for their product, gauge interest in certain products and even test advertising before they spend a huge amount of money on a national advertising campaign. Not only do the companies get a goldmine of information from consumer responses, but they can even use the aggregate information to form very specific ideas of what a certain market segment wants or needs. Consumer testing and surveys are one of the most important methods of research and testing that the big brand names use to research, develop and market their products, it's a win-win for them, for the consumer and for the people taking the surveys.

There are different types of paid surveys and they each have their own pros and cons, I'll list the two major types below:

Surveys For Cash – This type of survey is the most prized, because you give them your time and they pay you in real money. These survey companies will usually send you a check, but some of them send actual cash in the mail. Ranging from $2, $5 all the way up to $10 and $20. Higher payouts happen, but they are more rare and usually require much more time and information from you, such as keeping a daily journal of your shopping habits, Internet surfing habits or your banking habits or testing out actual products.

Surveys For Rewards – Some survey companies will offer you points for each survey you take, say 50 points or 500 points. Then these points can be redeemed for products, gift certificates, gift cards, airline miles and other items. Sometimes, the points can even be redeeemed for cash. There are more of these types of survey programs available since you must commit some time to faithfully taking the surveys they send in order to gain enough points to be redeemed for something worthwhile. However, these companies tend to send more surveys than the companies that pay cash, so you may have more opportunities to redeem your accumulated points for a cash or a tangible prize in the end.

Avoiding The Scams

Most survey companies are legitimate, but some you may want to watch out for. Listed below are some ways to make sure you are taking surveys for legitimate companies:

Reputation – Before signing up for a survey program, check it's reputation by doing a bit of research to make sure the company actually pays it's members or sends out their prizes. You can check with the Better Business Bureau online, check Google and the many message boards and forums dedicated to taking surveys and making money online in general. It should take you just a few minutes to find out if a company is for real or is just collecting information to spam you.

Privacy Policy – Make sure the site has a clearly stated privacy policy and be sure to read it carefully. Make sure they aren't going to keep and sell your personal information to third parties and that the information you do give is used for reasonable purposes.

Survey Directories – You can find some excellent listings of paid survey companies on the web. These directories will often have a description and review of each company. You'll often be able to see what types of payment or prizes they offer. Be sure to check these out. An excellent survey directory is

Helpful Tools

There are some helpful tools available for those that would like to take surveys but don't type very fast or well. One of the best is the Google Toolbar. It's completely free and installs right to your browser. Once it's installed, you should click the OPTIONS tab on the bar and check the box next to AUTOFILL. Then click the AUTOFILL SETTINGS button and fill in all the information there. This enables the autofill form tool so that you can fill out forms asking for your name, address, email address etc. just once and then you can simply click the AUTOFILL button on your browser to fill in each of these fields. Extremely handy and a HUGE timesaver! With the Google toolbar, you can also search Google without having to go to Google's main page, so you can research paid survey companies even more easily. You can get it from Google's site, just go to their main page and click on MORE, then EVEN MORE and then click on TOOLBAR.

In summary, while you may not be able to make a living taking surveys, you certainly can make some extra money and earn some nice prizes. So the question is not, why would you want to take paid surveys, it's why wouldn't you want to take paid surveys?! It's easy, often fun and has many benefits! Good luck!

Lydia Quinn writes for, where you can find a completely free list of companies that will pay you or offer rewards for taking their surveys. Visit us at:

Article source:

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Easy Way To Make Quick Money Online

The best way to make quick money is by owning a business but this takes a lot of time. You also need to develop a product or service, which involves large amount of funding. Unfortunately, most of us find it hard to pay off the monthly bills. So you need to find a way to make money in quick time with little investment. An easy way to make quick money online is by joining an internet network marketing company.

Network marketing has been around for quite sometime and it has created several millionaires in the United States. This success has been repeated by many people online through internet network marketing. There are numerous web sites dedicated to networking. These sites have been around for quite sometime and many people have doubled or tripled their annual income using these sites.

If you are dedicated and hardworking, network marketing is an easy way to make quick money online. The whole networking process is quite easy. Basically, you have to promote a product or service. For each business done through you, the networking company pays you a hefty commission. Now, the products to promote can be found on the network marketing company web sites. You can join these sites for free by giving your personal details. You can also select the product of your choice to market.

Select a product with which you are comfortable and which has maximum scope of selling. Study the product thoroughly and create a comprehensive free report. List all the benefits of the product or service. Use pictures of the product and quote experts and satisfied customers in the report. Do not forget to include your networking link in the report. Network marketing is an easy way to make quick money online mainly due to the flexibility it offers. You are free to select the product and the method of marketing.

Next step is to distribute the report. For this you can make use of the numerous free blogs and other community web sites. There are also numerous forums dedicated to networking. Apart from this you can also join those forums that have relation to your product or service. Many people raise questions regarding the product or service in these forums. Answering these questions accurately will give you an edge and people will buy the product through you.

This type of marketing is an easy way to make quick money online because you are not investing any money. And all you need to do is to spend some time on the internet. There are several organizations and groups dedicated to your type of product or service. Joining these groups will enable you to sell your products as well as introduce you to people with similar interests. You can also attract customers by providing free articles and reviews on the products.

If you are looking for an easy way to make quick money online, there is no doubt that network marketing is the best choice. It is simple and easy.

Jaz Lai is an Online Business Expert where he created $10,045 sales in 24 hours just by sending out 5 emails without any list or website. Click here to find out how he did it and what is the easy way to earn quick money online, Further recommended resources

Article source:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Guide to Writing Articles on Unemployment

If you are a student of the Economics Department, tips for writing articles on unemployment may be right in time for you.

Actually, articles on unemployment are not that difficult to complete. In this article, we will present you the guidelines that will help you create an effective article on unemployment.

1. Searching for sufficient sources on unemployment

You have the general subject area – unemployment. So, look through the sources available. Recent research papers or some scientific articles on unemployment may come in handy. They will help you get the general impression of what you will be dealing with.
2. Narrowing down the scope of the subject area to a certain problem

There is a diversity of problems that articles on unemployment may be devoted to. So, you may consider the list of possible topics for articles on unemployment presented below:
* Unemployment in India: Economic Policy Scenario;
* Causes of Unemployment in the USA;
* Possible Solutions to the Problem of Unemployment.
3. Outlining the article on unemployment

Outlining is extremely important if you want to write good articles on unemployment. It helps think over each issue and detail that will be presented in article on unemployment. While working on an outline, mind logical consecution of the issues you are going to present.
4. Composing the text & editing

When composing the text of your article on unemployment, mind the simplicity of your language. Do not overuse too complicated sentences. It is even better to avoid them at all.

Revising and editing articles on unemployment is a must. This step to completing articles on unemployment is better to take some time after they are completed. Fresh mind will help you eliminate mistakes.

You can also find tips on writing an Economics research paper or an essay on corruption if needed on the blog of our website.

It is easy to find good writing tips for your essay or an article. Our database has information that will help you to accomplish any paper without the need for buying it online. If you still want your paper to be written by professional academic writers, then our service is the best choice for you!!!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Business, Ethics, And The Law

The primary objective of a business is to make money. Why would an individual or group of people start a business if he did not want to make money? An argument that is generated by some is: "Should profits be the only function of a business?"

The desire for businesses to make money can sometimes lead to what is considered unethical business practices. Keep in mind the words unethical and unlawful are two separate terms with two separate meanings. One side of the argument states that ethics should not play a part in business as long as the business abides by the law of the land then they should not concern themselves with ethical behavior, but they should act in the best interest of the organization. The other side of the argument states that for an economy to function in a capitalist fashion that businesses must act in an ethical fashion regardless if their actions are legal under law.

Milton Friedman contends that the sole responsibility of business is to increase its profits. Robert Almeder maintains that if capitalism is to survive, it must act in a socially responsible ways that go beyond profit making. The views of these two individuals go to the heart of the argument. This author believes that after reading their material that the views of both are exaggerated. I do believe that a business's responsibilities do go beyond what is legal. A business has a responsibility not only to the owners or stockholders, but also to the consumer who trust the business is acting not only in a legal manner but a safe and ethical manner as well. If a business goes out of its way to act in an unethical fashion then the business has broken their trust with the consumer. Once a business loses the trust of their consumers then profits will plummet. Seeing that profits are the primary function of a business then it is in the businesses best interest to maintain a trusting relationship with the consumers and continue to act in safe and ethical manner.

Keeping in mind that it is not the purpose of a business to propose or to dictate legislature nor ethical behavior to the individual, a business should not be held accountable for what a small population of consumers consider unethical. If the practice of the business is out in the open and hazards of their products are readily published and do not present the possibility of death involuntarily to the consumer then legislature should not dictate ethical behavior to business nor individuals for that matter.

About the author of Business, Ethics, And The Law

Joseph Brochin owns and operates An IT & Telecommunications Solutions provider and consultant.

How To Choose An Ideal Weight Loss Program

As you are probably aware, there are many weight loss programs out there.

However, there is no one single ideal weight loss program for everyone. To understand how to lose weight, you first need to understand that each program typically employs one or more of these elements:
1) exercise
2) dieting
3) plan
4) support group
5) drugs
6) surgery

1) Exercise
Exercise may not be the most exciting word in your vocabulary, but it has a ton of benefits. Getting your active dose of daily exercise not only makes us healthier in general, it will help you burn those unsightly fats off your body.

Exercise serves the purpose of burning calories. Thus, if your food intake remains constant, your body weight will reduce.

If you have never exercised before, do visit your medical doctor or physician before starting on any exercise regime. Also, exercising does not mean that you have to start with something strenuous or competitive. Any activity you enjoy such as walking, jogging or swimming or even climbing stairs on a regular basis would serve the purpose.

2) Dieting
How many times have you heard someone say, YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT ? We may laugh it off, concluding that is just another cliche. But the truth of the matter is that overeating and the choice of food are often the main causes of obesity.

Eating is at the opposite end of exercising as food and drink intake adds calories to your body. Thus, an weight loss program would typically specify what to eat, when to eat, etc.

3) Plan
To increase your chances of success, following a plan and encouragement is crucial. Weight loss programs can therefore include daily, weekly or monthly plans.

4) Support Group
Accountability is an important element of success in any endeavor including weight loss. An effective weight loss program could incorporate a support group to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

5) Drugs
Weight loss drugs or diet pills are usually used in 'lifesaving' situations where weight reduction is critical. Medicinal or herbal drugs are prescribed to change the fundamental bodily processes such as suppressing the appetite, altering the metabolism or restricting the ability to absorb specific nutrients.

6) Surgery
You might have heard of liposuction which is the surgical removal of fats beneath the skin. Another form of weight loss surgery - bariatric surgery reduces the size of the stomach so that food energy intake is reduced.

Armed with the knowledge of the above elements, you now know what to look for in a weight loss program and how to evaluate if it will most likely suit you as an individual human being with your unique characteristics, desires and needs.

About the author of How To Choose An Ideal Weight Loss Program

For more tips and advice on how to lose weight, check out Alice's web site at How To Lose Weight

Friday, October 24, 2008

Things to Do on a First Date

Your time has come! You have been dreaming for this. Finally, you will be meeting your first date tonight. Now, the question is: what should you do on your first date?

Below are some tips you should do on your first date:

Have a nice conversation. Remember, to have a first date means knowing your date better. Therefore, it is very important to have a nice conversation with your date.

Ice cream is perfect for sunny weather. You can buy your date an ice cream while walking in a part then have a romantic conversation at the beach.

Never date in your apartment. For a first date, it is a very big turn off especially for a girl if you invite to go to your apartment. This can be very intimidating for both of you because you are still in the process of knowing each other. So as much as possible do something that is in public.

Look for silent place. Again, to have a first date means know your date better. The best way to achieve this is through talking. Find a silent place so that both of you would understand each other.

Never look for a dark place. It is very important that on your first date, you have to see each other while talking. Look for place that has lights so both of you would able to see your gestures and expressions.

Cafes are the best location for a date. Cafes will not only obliged you to pay a lot of many but it is also a cozy and quiet place that is very perfect for both of you.

Talk about interesting topics. Never talk about topics that would make both of you boring. Never talk about your job because it would definitely bore your date. Interesting topic such as past experiences, family and friends would help your conversation fruitful. You can also talk about your funny experiences or your most embarrassing moments. That would definitely laugh your date.

Ask a lot of questions. The more questions you would be asking the easier to hold conversations of any topic.

Listening makes others feel very important. Generally, girls love to talk. So have your full ears in listening because she will feel how important she is. Also, never interrupt when she is talking.

Never impress your date. The worst thing you can do when talking with a girl is to let her know how rich you are, that you have to Mercedes Benz at home or any topic that would allows you to impress her.

Plan your date. It is very important to have a plan to have an organize date. Set a date and time as to when you will meet, set a place where would you eat, etc.

Other places to have a perfect date would be, watching ball games, such NBA, major league baseball, football. Watching concerts and movies would also be good options.

Lastly, enjoy life and have fun. Dating is a challenge but understand you might have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince or princess.

Virginia Beauty and Fashion consultant, Svetlana Polyakova from specializes in teaching men and women the fine techniques of how to meet to meet that special person, dress to impress, and beauty & Fashion tips and etiquette.

Article source: Expert Articles

Feng Shui Tips for Fertility

The Gua of the husband should be tapped first and foremost. Sleep in his Yan Nian (Relationship) direction to enhance fertility, promote spousal well-being as well as up the intimacy, romance and feelings of affection, too! You can consult our free Gua Calculator to determine this. If sleeping in his Yan Nian is not feasible, simply re-position your bed to face the direction. Easy!

Do stay away from decorating your home with fierce pictures of predatory animals in aggressive, dominant poses. These images will fail to nurture and consequently will ‘kill’ the warm fertile ambience you are striving for.

Dragon symbols, as you know, are terribly Yang in nature and should only be used outside the bedroom. But, in the case of trying for a baby, a little Yang magic by the bedside may help! An inconspicuous dragon item next to the bed can conjure up the precious Yang energy to aid conception. Hang a tassel with a bronze dragon or a small dragon charm next to the bed for this purpose.

A beaming Buddha statue with children climbing all over him symbolizes the joy of children. It is also said to be able to facilitate the laughter and happiness of your own future children to your home! Display the statue prominently in the East direction of the bedroom.

Your front door: make sure that there is nothing but open space directly out the front door. Trees, a street, or other objects in the immediate vicinity of this door is not good, since this is the main entrance of Qi. Keep this space clean and fresh-smelling!

Elephants are said to be the ultimate symbol of fertility and virility. They can also create auspicious “descendants’ Qi” – the very type you need! Place an elephant statue by the West or Northwest direction. If you wish for a son, lodge a stone on the back of the statue.

Cicadas are not just those bugs that make charming night creaks, they’re actually a potent symbol of marriage luck and fertility! Couples who are trying to conceive should definitely have an image of the cicada close by in the bedroom.

Do you like these Tips? sends monthly Feng Shui Tips newsletters to its members. To read past Feng Shui Tips, click here.

Corey Tsang is the resident Feng Shui expert of, and is well-known for his bi-monthly newsletters on Feng Shui Tips and Feng Shui Alerts of the Month. For more information, please contact Mr Tsang at or visit our website at

Article source: Expert Articles

Top Tips for Internet Riches

When most people think of making money online, they probably think of get rich quick scams. That’s a shame, because the internet has enormous potential for creating wealth quickly, but only if you know what you’re doing!

The best way is to sell your very own products online, information products are best, namely E-books. Why? Well, when you sell your own products, you make 100% of the sales in profit, but also, because if there is ANYTHING you know a lot about, absolutely anything at all, you can create an E-book and make good money from it.

So, here is a list of tips to help you on your way to internet riches.

1) Create a product. This could be on just about anything really, so long as you have good knowledge on the subject and provide quality information. If you struggle on how to write a good E-book, buy a couple on the same subject, its very important to invest in yourself.

2) Create a website. You don’t need to be an expert website designer to do this; there is lots of simple website creation software out there, many of them free. Just remember to try and create a good quality website which is rich in content and encourages visitors to return in the future.

3) Promote your product. This is where most businesses fail. There are lots of ways to promote your product, many of them either free or very cheap.

4) Generate traffic. Hopefully the result of good promotion will be lots of quality, targeted traffic, as this is the kind of visitor who will be specifically looking for your product, thus will be a good chance they will buy the product, which is the name of the game!

5) Search Engine Ranking. This is one of the best ways to draw in lots of targeted traffic. Not always easy to get a good ranking though, but when you manage this, it really is worth all the effort!

6) Making Sales. Obviously, this is what you want to be doing! Not always straight forward though, takes a lot more to make lots of sales than people realise, but can definitely be achieved if a consistent effort is put in over time.

7) Multiple Streams of Income. This is one of the best things you can do in business, as it allows you to make lots of money, even if your sales take a downturn. Multiple streams of income include using googles adsense, selling free websites, affiliate programs etc.

8) Residual Income. This is an ongoing income stream which is a knock on effect of all your previous work, usually created by email marketing. Ever heard the saying “the money is in the list?” This is from email marketing, which will provide a longer term income also if done correctly.

This was just a quick run through of the basics of starting your own online business and making good money online. As you may have gathered, it is anything but easy, but is definitely possible and really anyone can do it, with the right information, determination and attention to detail.

About the author of Top Tips for Internet Riches

Chris Neill is an experienced online businessman and runs the website This website provides information products that have all you need to know to run your very own online home based internet business.

Lose Weight Naturally & Effectively

This article has been written because we in the west are reaching crisis point in the problem of overweight people, and I hope that I can make some helpful suggestions if this is your area of concern.

Studies have shown that the number of people who are obese or are overweight has more than doubled in the past 10 years. There are many reasons for this such as the rise in the number of fast foods joints, drinks that contain a lot of saturated fat in the meals and the type of food purchased at the grocery store.

Though genetics, lifestyle and aging also play a significant factor, it is the choice of the person whether or not to consume the type of food that they do. Some people want an overnight solution to the weight problem but studies have proven this to be unsafe and leaves markings of loose skin which can only be removed through surgery.

People must understand that a natural weight loss system should be in place first before anything can happen. This is only after a doctor is able to analyze the patients weight, health, calorie intake, age, gender, lifestyle, stress level and routine.

Many doctors recommend exercise as the best and natural way to lose weight. Cardio vascular exercises can increase the persons heart rate and metabolism which in turn will burn those excess pounds weekly.

Those who dont work well with a personal trainer can join group exercises in the gym. Studies have shown that people can be driven to accomplish a lot of things in groups because it is fun and everyone will get an extra push from one another.

Others who dont have time to go to the gym can still accomplish this by jogging or running in the morning. Those who are not fond of doing these things can play a game of basketball or any other sport with friends.

This should be combined with a diet program that is designed by a dietitian. Though some people think using supplements will help increase the process, many professionals would rather advise the client to eat right and burn the calories gradually.

Oats, rice, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and cereals give the person the much needed carbohydrates and fats. Since the average Joe does not know when enough has been taken in, the dietitian must come up with a plan to make sure everything is balanced.

This many mean substituting certain items with those that give a lower amount of calories or cutting down some in smaller portions. This just proves dieting does not always have to be giving up on certain foods.

An important part in making sure that the system works is going to the doctor for a regular checkup. This will help these professionals monitor the patients progress and recommend changes if these are necessary.

The individual should stick to the program and everything will fall into place. The improvements or the number of pounds lost for one will not be the same for the other. This is a long term project that could prevent diseases from happening and extending the life of the patient.

Some companies have tried to promote the use of laxatives to lose weight. Though this should only be used for a week, others have used it much longer and are in danger of causing muscle problems in the body.

Despite the advances in science, health professionals still believe the safest and best way to lose weight naturally is still through diet and exercise. The person must cooperate with the doctor and the dietitian so that a system can be made specifically to handle ones case.

There is of course a lot more information out there on this subject in such places as the local bookstore, the local library, and there are a number of very helpful Blogs which provide excellent advice.

About the author of How To Lose Weight Naturally & Effectively

john savage has a very helpful Blog which can be read by Clicking Here

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Home Safety for Your Children

There are many concerns when it comes to your children’s safety. But it really comes down to what you do in your home that will determine the safety of your children. There is first and foremost the cleanliness and tidiness of the house. This is particularly important because you wouldn’t want your child to just pick anything up and put it in his or her mouth. Or he/she could stumble over a toy that you’ve forgotten to put away.

WHAT TO DO: Obviously, a clean and tidy home is what works best. Clean up all the clutter and store all prized possessions that you wouldn’t want destroyed or lost. Lock all dangerous objects like tools or poisons. Keep cleaning materials, chemicals, and products out of children’s reach. It would also be better to lock them up. Little details of your home also matters. For example, your child runs around and none of you notice that the edge of your rug is tilted upwards a little. Your child might trip on it and hurt him/herself. Try to look forward to what might happen if you’re not careful around the house. Leaving a toy on the floor could very well lead to your child stumbling over and hitting his or her head directly on the floor.

WHAT TO DO: Take a look around your house and try to evaluate every corner and every area. What could be a potential danger for your child? Here are some points you could use to make your house safer for your child:

  • Put sleeves on doorknobs to keep toddlers away from dangerous areas
  • Turn down temperature on your water heater to at most 120 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Secure curtain cords or any cords or strings that are carelessly within your children’s reach
  • Put childproof latches on cabinet doors and drawers
  • Place baby gates at the top and bottom of the stairway
  • Fence in your swimming pool and other dangerous areas
  • Cover sharp furniture and edges with foam tape and corner protectors
  • Tape down loose rugs and electrical cords
  • Cover unused outlets with plastic outlet plugs
  • Take away any protruding bolts or loose nuts and put on non-slip coating on slippery floors
  • Replace hard swing sets or play toys with soft material
  • Provide soft ground cover around play equipment and soften ground on play areas

These are just some of the many safety measures you can employ in and out your house. Regarding escape plans in cases of emergencies like fire or gas leak, it is important that your child understands what to do.

WHAT TO DO: Go over you escape plane with the whole family and make your child remember what he has to do in case trouble comes up. Be specific and detailed with your emergency plans. It would also be great if you have a drill on what to do. Make sure that emergency contact numbers are right next to your phone. You can also have your children memorize the emergency numbers just in case. You should also keep exits easy for your children. Keep escape ladders near second-story emergency exits, too.

How To Lose Weight - And Keep It Off

The best way to lose weight is about living a healthier life than what you may be living now. You will need a complete lifestyle change and you will need to be committed. The body loses about 2 pounds a week optimally and that's 2 pounds that stay off. When you drop at a faster rate your body could potentially rebound and either plateau your weight loss or put extra weight on. If you are committed then you should reach your goal.

There are 5 most important things that must go together in any workout program. These are part of changing your complete lifestyle to one that is healthier. They also help you to naturally optimize your metabolism. The faster your metabolism the better your body uses your food for energy, instead of storing it as fat.
I put them in the order of importance.

1. Eat more. Yes eat more. More meals that is. It is best to eat a small meal every 3-4 hours. The meal should be just large enough to where you are not hungry, as opposed to eating you are full. There is a difference, think of it as no bigger than the size of your two fists put together. Eating 1 or 2 meals a day slows your metabolism down. You should have at least 4-6 meals a day. For most a ratio of carbs-proteins-fats should be 50%-25%-25% is good, but each person is unique.

2. Drink more water. Most of us don't have enough water. This means our bodies are dehydrated. Two things a dehydrated body has trouble doing, one is releasing water. In order to lose fat you must be able to release water, because fat cells in your body are composed of mostly water. A dehydrated body cannot build very well. Muscle tone indicates a constant building state in your body. If your body isn't building that means it is losing muscle and it's never good to lose muscle that slows your metabolism and makes you look flabby.

3. Maintain a balanced workout regimen of cardio and resistance (weights). Cardio is good for fat burning and it's easy to do and to progress yourself. Resistance is a little harder because it's not as easy to know what to do. If weights aren't your thing then try Yoga or Pilates. Both are very effective resistance and core training and can help you maintain lean muscle and increase your overall metabolism.

4. Smart supplementation of your diet is your best solution to making sure you get the nutrients your food doesn't give you. A daily multivitamin will suffice in most cases, and if you don't like pills they sell it in liquid form. Plus cleanses, as well as detox formulas are awesome for eliminating toxins we take into our bodies without knowing.

5. Sleep is a very important part of any healthy lifestyle regimen. When we sleep our bodies and minds refresh themselves and allow us to function at an optimal level. Sleeping allows muscles to rebuild themselves and when they do that, it speeds your metabolism.

You may ask why I gave you this long list instead of just telling you what exercises to do. The reason is if you think that exercising is all you need then you are mislead. If exercising is all we needed to look and feel great then everybody who works out at the gym would have great bodies and be healthy. If you have been to a gym before you know its not true.

About the author of How To Lose Weight - And Keep It Off

Chris Navi - Find answers for losing weight at Also check out the daily tips blog at

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Online Dating - Have Fun, Be Smart, Be Safe or Be Sorry

The Internet is still pretty safe overall, even for seniors, according to research of various Internet safety sites who estimated a 90 – 97 percent “terrific” Internet. People are chatting with one another, making cyber-dates. However, there are some general rules of Internet etiquette or “netiquette” and some precautions to take for possible dangers lurking there. Here are some pointers compiled from several websites experienced in cyber-dating techniques.


1. Do Not Give Out Personal Information - Whether it’s via email, online chat rooms, message boards, in your personal ad, etc., do not disclose your personal information like your complete name, address, telephone number, work place, etc. Use a third party email address instead of one with your domain or work domain, that is easily traceable. For example, instead of using , set up an email account like or (search “free email accounts” for places like this). Preferred dating sites offer email forwarding so that members do not see private information.

2. Do Not Lie - Be up front about your age and appearance. Better to not be caught in lies later on or lead someone on falsely.

3. Be Tactful and Leary - Do not believe everything you read in posts, in emails or in general, online. You could be chatting with a child or someone faking their sexual orientation. The odds are that you will probably encounter someone a tad “undesirable” from time to time, so try to use appropriate replies, using tact, or ignore the encounter, if it suits the situation.

4. Use Caution in Sharing Images - Whenever you think about sharing a digital photo online, keep in mind that it may be possible for thousands to see it on the Internet, not just one person. Plus your photo can be copied, altered with different software out there today and posted elsewhere. If you do use your image, send one that shows you with a warm smile, not a frown.

5. Ask if Unsure - Go slow like the tortoise in the race with the hare and ask questions if you are unsure how to proceed in your contact and communications. Contact the site owner or webmaster (check for contact info when you register), ask trusted friends for helpful resources, check with local authorities. Remember that old adage, “Better safe than sorry!”

6. Be careful if you decide to meet for the first date. Remember there is safety in numbers, so meet in a public place with other friends around.

7. Keep copies of communications in a file so that you can show friends or the law in case your meeting or continued contact takes a bad turn. And do report any problems and cooperate with authorities. They can get information from your computer and communications to aid in tracking down culprits in some cases. Don’t try to take matters into your own hands and stalk the culprit yourself. Be safe.

8. Let men instigate online and offline relationships. Men still like to pursue. Online studies show that this has proven safer, too, especially with Internet dating. Men should make the first email move. And women should NOT reply to men’s ads; let the men pursue. (Sorry guys!)

9. So that you don’t appear anxious or desperate or both, generally wait for a day or 24-hour period before replying. And forget about replying on weekend and holidays, at least at first, and being available via instant messaging. This is especially important for women (double standards are still around and even exist in the Internet dating scene) – you want to “appear” socially active, confident – blah, blah, blah, even if you are just home washing your hair.

10. Don’t date someone who is already married to someone else – even if that person says he or she is getting a divorce. Let the divorce happen first. Otherwise things could get ugly. And you may even have to face the spouse / ex-spouse and children down the road. So think of others, too, when even considering someone who is not single.

11. If after several emails or letters you decide to talk on the phone, keep the first call short, around 10 minutes. Plan to have to “rush” off. Your goal is to hear the person’s voice and talk a short while only, not seeming over anxious.

12. Some gents do complain that the ladies do not reply to their emails. So ladies, reply! At least say, “No, thank you.”

13. Check their background. Most any company can run a name through a criminal database. But wouldn’t you have more confidence in the background check if it was done by a Licensed Private Investigator? PI’s are trained to check for the obvious, but to also look for the concealed evidence that often reveals the true nature of an individual. Misspelled names, altered dates of birth, incorrect social security numbers, maiden and/or alias names are just a few of the areas that PI’s regularly check, but most background check companies never even consider.

For less than the price of hamburgers and a movie, you can have piece of mind. Choose from a basic criminal check to a complete comprehensive background report. Don’t take chances.


Here are some general guidelines for your online communications.

• Use respectful tones and wording. Swear words and hurtful remarks are not good for anyone. If someone presses you, for example, to share confidential information that you shouldn’t, just say, “No” and tell the site monitors / webmaster of the forum, chat room or online dating site, if necessary.

• Look for dating and other resource websites that list street addresses instead of post office boxes or nothing at all. Ask friends for referrals.

• Try to avoid stretching the truth about your accomplishments, job title, etc. Then if a relationship develops, things will run much smoother.

• Try to avoid many 1-word replies and 1-sentence communications.
Take some time to develop your thoughts and share in your paragraphs. In short, be a friend.

• Using all capital letters mean “SHOUTING” and is difficult to read at any length.

Take care, be smart, be safe and have fun with your cyber-dating!

Buy A Franchise Or Start A Business?

A franchise business is definitely the safer opportunity according to US Department of Commerce figures. This study carried out over 7 years revealed that after seven years, over 90% of new franchises are still in business, as compared to only 20% of individual new start-up businesses.

Most people, who do start a business by themselves, end up failing and losing a lot of money. I now that this is a sad fact, but it's true!

If you start a business on your own, you have to make all the decisions regarding location, layout of premises and find and vet all suppliers.

With a franchise business, the franchisor will advice you on all the above. In fact, you might even find that you are told where to locate your business, who your suppliers are and have some choice in pre designed layouts.

A franchise business provides you with the consistency and quality throughout the franchisors territory. This leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction. The franchisor provides full training and support in running the business. If a site is required, the franchisor will assist the franchisee in selecting a site that fulfils the demographic requirements of the product.

A business start up has to learn from trials and errors until they hit on a formula that works. They have no training or support in managing their business opportunity. If any thing does go wrong, and in most businesses, it does, then they have no one to turn to for advice. The advantage they have is that there is no one looking over their back, telling them what to do and how to run their business.

The franchisee benefits from national marketing which is spread out amongst all the franchisees, enhancing the economies of scale. New products can tested in certain territories before they are rolled out nationally.

A new business will have to trail any new products with their own capital and take the full brunt if the experiment fails!

The relationship between a franchisee and a franchisor is well balanced. Both parties need each other to survive and create a profit. Ongoing support and training is usually available for franchisees who are struggling. Due to the higher success rate, banks are inclined to lend a higher percentage of start up costs in a franchise business then they are to an independent start up. They are also more likely to give extra leeway when more funds are required.

If you have decided to go down the franchising route then it is important that you choose a franchise that is right for you. Don't just go for the opportunity that will make you the most money, instead, choose a business niche that you will enjoy.

Decide how much capital you have to invest, and then choose the franchise opportunity that best fits your lifestyle. Decide how many hours you want to work and how many employees you are capable of handling.

Once you have made up your mind to buy a franchise, always have a contingency fund as there are always unexpected costs that arise in the initial years of running a business.

If you decide to go it alone, make sure you speak to other people running the same type of business in other parts of the country and learn from their experience. You will find other businesses in the same field as you more then happy to part with their experience once they realise that you are not going to compete in their territory.

Make sure that you take professional advice before deciding to follow the franchising route or starting a business on your own.

About the author of Buy A Franchise Or Start A Business?

Naz Daud is the founder of Business Franchises and UK Business Directory Business Franchise Opportunity

Can You Start a Successful Diet

It's no secret that the key to a healthy life is an adequately balanced diet. Keeping an unhealthy, unbalanced diet leads to several disorders, the most frequent of which is obesity.

As you may know if you already tried one or more diets, the first couple of weeks are the hardest; starting a new diet with the wrong foot may not only be useless, but it may also lead you to eat even worse than before. Here are some tips that will help you start a new diet and successfully keep following it.

Don't even try a new diet without asking a professional: Although some diets are often advertised as very effective and very fast ways to lose weight, keep in mind that every body is different from each other, and consequently so are their needs. Always ask your nutrition professional about which diet suits you best, for he/she will always look for your wellness above all. After checking certain things like your lifestyle, your ideal desired weight and the overall health status of your body, he will be able to carefully plan a step by step diet for you, based on your body's actual needs.

If you think a diet plan you saw somewhere may be useful, show it to a professional and ask him to make any changes necessary to make it fit you. For instance, if you see "Angelina Jolie's new amazing diet" on a magazine and you think it may be useful for you, get a professional to evaluate it first. Chances are that the perfect diet for some people is harmful for others. Besides, a diet that is too hard will end up frustrating you, and a diet that is too easy will be quite ineffective.

Complement your diet with physical activity: Unless you have a very physically active lifestyle, obesity is not the effect of consuming an excessive amount of lipids, but of accumulating them. The key is to burn that fat as well as reducing its consumption: both must be done together. The best way to get rid of that excess of undesired fat is to complement a healthy diet with everyday exercising. A daily walk, playing a sport or doing aerobics may be suitable companions for your diet. But, again, ask your physician or professional personal trainer, he will tell you the right amount of physical effort your body can sustain, and set a plan to make it fun and useful for you.

Avoid temptations: When you have just started on a diet, it may be hard to follow it. That is because your body is used to eat disorderly, and it takes some time to get rid of that habit. It is a good thing to keep all that forbidden food out of your fridge, at least until your body gets used to your new eating habits and you are fully confident in being able to have access to that food and yet not take it. Let's be realistic; it is way harder to get on a diet if you have that piece of chocolate cake in your kitchen!

Get busy: Try to find a hobby or activity that keeps your mind away from food, especially at the beginning of a diet. Reading is a good activity to accomplish this, because it's fun, useful and a great way to get the time flying until dinner time.

About the author of Can You Start a Successful Diet

Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients Representative. His clients range from actresses to pro athletes. You can get a free Glyconutrients consultation by visiting Glyconutrients. Clinical studies have shown that glyconutrients can help balance your immune system.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Choosing the Right Weight Loss Program

With the new year usually comes new promises to be fit and lose weight. So the pantry is cleared of junk, the gym membership is renewed, and those worn jogging shoes are replaced with the latest in running technology, for added spring to your step. You are determined that this is the year things are going to change for the better, and keeping that positive attitude is one way to see your goals to success.

Yet, different bodies require different things in order to successfully lose weight. While regular diet and exercise is good for everyone, the methods may not necessarily be applied the same way for everybody. Some people may benefit more from weight lifting than aerobics, and vice-versa. In terms of nutrition, what may be considered a healthy diet for one person may actually hinder another from losing weight!

When you decide to begin a weight loss program, whether as part of a New Year's resolution or for any season, it is important to know all the facts before you begin. The root of this knowledge starts with your own body. If you go into an exercise or diet program unarmed, chances are you may do more damage than good. As a result, you may become frustrated and quit.

That does not have to happen. By listening to your body and knowing what works and what does not, you can craft a diet and exercise program guaranteed to take off the pounds.


Do you have any known allergies or other bad reactions to certain foods? Do you have diabetes or any other ailments that may be affected by what you eat? Before you decide to give up dairy or meat, or dive into an all-protein regimen, find out first what your body can handle. Let your doctor suggest a meal plan best suited to your body, that what you eat is burned as energy and not stored as fat.


Are you prone to injury? Do you suffer any ailments that may prohibit you from doing certain exercises? Do you take time to stretch your muscles before engaging in any strenuous activity? Believe it or not, exercising improperly can impede weight loss and result not only in physical pain but emotional as well. In today's fast-paced world, we are often led to believe that if results are not immediate, we have failed. Where weight loss is concerned, there is no overnight solution. To exercise means to train your body to a healthier lifestyle, and as you learn to move properly and regularly you will see the weight disappear.

Consult with your doctor before embarking on any type of exercise, find out what your body can do. If you are unable to afford a gym membership, you can still get the exercise you need. Look for free courses at your local community center, or just take a walk in the park, it will do wonders for you and your circulation.

Make wise choices before you begin your resolutions to better health. Losing weight doesn't have to be a chore. If you listen to the experts, and your own body, the results will be well worth the wait.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Our Children's Future

We worry about our kids: their well-being and happy future are our main concerns in life. We long for them to be content and successful at whatever they choose to do. We hope that we’ll be able to provide them with the same kind of help that many of us have received from our own parents. But how can we ensure that we’re doing everything in our power to make all of this come to pass?

We can, but there’s a process. First, take a few steps back and consider what we truly want for our kids. For example, when I asked a client of mine recently to think carefully of the three things she wished for her children, who range from 16 to 9 years of age, she responded “I want them to be loving, compassionate and responsible adults.” There was no mention of rich, famous or powerful. This mother really got to the root of what she knew to be the crucial characteristics necessary for her children to live happy and fulfilling lives.

Once we have this kind of clarity about the things we really want for our kids, we can then move forward towards instilling those traits in them. But first we must be completely clear. Here what to do:

1. Make a list of what you want for your kids. Be sure your list is unselfishly motivated! Financial security, love, happiness…even for them to be blessed with kids just like them! That’s what my Mother wished for me and it came true.

Once you have come up with a list of perhaps ten items, start from the top and compare the first two items. Which is most important? Take that choice and compare it to the next item on the list. Again, which is most important? Continue doing this until you have gone through your list and the item that remains is your number one choice.

Repeat the process for your number two, three, four and five choices. This is a list of the five most important things that you want for your kids. Having prioritized, now you can do your best to assist in creating a wonderful future for your kids.

2. Important rule: You are not making decisions about your children’s personal future. That’s their responsibility and their right to determine. However, as a parent, you are certainly able to influence their future.

3. As an example, let’s say that Financial Security is on your list. Do you know what it takes to create financial security? Think of people who have managed to achieve financial security on their own. What traits do they share? Perhaps you determine that responsibility is one of those traits.

How do you create responsibility? What do you know to be true about responsible adults? My own personal opinion is that these adults were taught early on about responsibility through actual experience. For instance, most of them probably had specific chores they did at home. Several probably worked in the summers. Many of them may have learned early on to take responsibility for their own lives and not place blame on others nor make excuses. At an appropriate age, the majority were undoubtedly taught to make decisions on their own and suffer the consequences. They learned not by being told what to do but in the actual doing.

Responsibility, coupled with other strong traits you might identify, will assist your kids in taking charge of their lives.

Be forewarned: It is so much easier to just let them do what they want versus being a watchdog. Teaching a child responsibility, or anything else for that matter, takes patience, determination and commitment.

4. Be a role model. Our kids model themselves after their childhood experiences and especially as they saw their parents. As much as we said we would never be like our own parents, how many of us can see our parents in ourselves? If you want your son or daughter to be responsible, be responsible. By being a true and consistent role model, you can have the most profound influence on your children.

5. Who is this child? I love the story a friend told me recently. Her son in New York City had a visitor, a young woman in her third year of college. After spending a week together, the student admitted that her major, biology, was not what she wanted to pursue but rather what her Mother suggested. She wanted to be a fashion stylist! How could her Mother have missed that?

Do you know what excites your kid? What moves them? What they love to do? Who they really are at their core? Honoring them for who and what they truly are is the greatest gift you can give your son or daughter. Take the time to connect with them and really listen. Listen on a level where you really are hearing them.

6. Praise the positive and attempt to minimize the negative. Of course you establish consequences for unacceptable behavior. But positive reinforcement is a much more powerful tool. It’s Pavlovian conditioning and it works.

7. I love this quote: “Expectations are predetermined resentments.” Don’t set yourself up for disappointment. If you are looking for fulfillment, look to yourself, not to your children. Don’t attempt to live vicariously through them. It will only end in unhappiness for everyone involved.

8. Try to remember what really ticked you off about your own parents when you were their age. Not that it was valid. Remember we were just kids and reacted in a childish manner much of the time. But it will help to empathize with how your own children are feeling, to understand their frustrations and to be able to communicate in a more effectual way.

Almost all of us find our way in life but it is so much easier if we have the necessary tools. You know now what you wish your parents had said or done back when. Break the chain! You are the most important person in your child’s life; you can provide those tools. That is how we ensure that their future is bright.
